Seniors Book Chat
Local seniors are encouraged to meet at the Ritz Manor Community Room. Participants and library program staff will share lively discussion about recent books and enjoy social time.
Open to West Perth adults 55+
When: 11AM - noon on the following Mondays:
- October 28
- November 25 - in the Library!
Where: Ritz Manor Community Lounge @ 15 Frances St. (enter off parking area)
- with the exception of November 25's field trip to the Library
What to bring: A book you have recently read
Mahjong Meet Up
For adults
This popular activity has returned! Join in this lively group as you learn and play together.
When: Regular weekly meetups will resume on Tuesday, October 1 at 1pm.
Drop in and play during the summer. Ask for use of the tiles at the desk.
Where: YA area
Active Adult Fitness
Canadian Centre of Activity and Aging-trained instructors will lead safe and effective exercise classes for older adults in our community. In collaboration with Mitchell and Area Community Outreach and the Municipality of West Perth.
When: 9:30am on Tuesday mornings
Where: West Perth Community Centre
What to bring: Running shoes, water bottle
Crafters' Circle
Crafters' Circle is a program for adults and teens. The group will meet at the Library to work on personal crafting projects and create community connections. It's a great way for people who are new to the community or for anyone who is feeling isolated to connect with others.
When: Tuesdays from 5-6PM
Where: West Perth Public Library
What to bring: Crafting project