Fables and Fun
Ages 0-5 + caregiver, drop-in
Stories, rhymes, songs and finger plays with our program staff.
When: 10:15-10:45am Wednesdays for 6 weeks, starting January 15 and ending February 19
Where: West Perth Public Library, Program Room

Junior Explorers
Ages 7-12 + caregiver, drop-in
Junior Explorers will adventure together through stories, STEAM, and play. Each month will cover a different topic.
When: 6:15 on the following Wednesdays:
- February 26
- March 26
- April 23
Where: West Perth Public Library - Program Room

Paper Bag Princess Day
Ages 2-8 + caregiver, drop-in
Heroes, Princesses and Dragons are all welcome to dress up and join in the fun! This year's theme is "Be Your Own Hero". Come in a hero costume, or just as yourself for story time and crafts. This program is themed around Robert Munsch's book The Paper Bag Princess.
When: 10:30 - 11:30am on Saturday, March 1
Where: West Perth Public Library, Program room

Busy as Bees
Ages 0-6 + caregiver, drop-in
Children will learn through play with stories and STEAM activities. Facilitated by library and Early ON staff.
When: 4pm on the following Wednesdays
- March 5
- April 9
- May 7
Where: West Perth Library, 4th level children's and program area - When weather permits might be at the Pollinator Garden (this will be communicated ahead of time)

Parent & Tot Meet Up
Meet other parents with children as they play and share the space together, drop-in
When: 10:30 - 11:30am on the following Thursdays
- March 6
- March 20
Where: West Perth Public Library, Children's area on Level 3
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a fun, exciting and easy way to start your child on the path to success! Read a book - any book- to your child. The goal is to read 1,000 books before your child starts kindergarten. It's easier than you think. Read 1 book a night and you'll meet your goal in 3 years. Read 3 books a night, you could reach your goal in just one year.
How 1000 Books works
- Get set for reading. Pick up a tracking poster and any program materials at the Library or print them from our website.
- Track your reading. Colour in, or cross out a stack of books on the tracking poster for each book you read to your child.
- Every book counts. Even if your child wants to hear the same book again and again, you can count it each time. The books your child hears in storytime, daycare, preschool or with family or friends all count as long as your child listens to the entire book.
- Keep on reading. Don't stop at 1000! Keep reading together, there's more learning ahead.
- Share your journey. We invite you to share your 1000 Books Before Kindergarten journey on social media. Tag us @westperthpl and use the hashtag #1000BooksB4K.