Sourdough Show & Tell
Ages 14+, drop-in
Meet fellow bakers and feel free to bring recipes, photos, or baked items that you have made with your sourdough starter.
When: 6-7 pm on Wednesday, April 2
Where: West Perth Arena Activity Room
This is a teen and adult program only. Please be aware that there will be gluten-based items present for this program.
Dungeons & Dragons
If you are between the ages of 10-18 and are interested in playing Dungeons & Dragons, we have a collaborative program for you!
Use your imagination through storytelling and role-playing. Game masters will guide the adventuring party on an epic quest.
When: Winter session will run from January 13 - March 3
Where: West Perth Youth Centre.
The Spring Session will run on Mondays from March 17 - May 12. Registration is now open. Register at Rec Desk.
Crafters' Circle
Crafters' Circle is a program for adults and teens. The group will meet at the Library to work on personal crafting projects and create community connections. It's a great way for people who are new to the community or for anyone who is feeling isolated to connect with others.
When: Tuesdays from 2-3pm NEW TIME!
Where: West Perth Public Library
What to bring: Crafting project